How Mental Toughness is Key in Sports and in Life
No one likes doing things that are hard or uncomfortable... with maybe the exception of David Goggins. So why even think about doing things that challenge us mentally? Why not do what makes us feel warm and comfy inside? Here are your reasons: 1. Mental Toughness is Preparation for the Future Being able to tolerate difficult experiences that challenge the mind prepares us for the future. When we complete a challenging task without breaking, we will come through being more wise about how to conquer our own mind. This also means that we will become more aware of how we react to and tackle challenges. One can then analyze his/her approach and ponder how to improve tackling mentally difficult tasks. By continuously facing difficult circumstances and building mental toughness, in the future, one can become unfazed with a task that is seemingly difficult to most. And when tasks arise that the majority are unable to complete due to being mentally weak, the person who had been prepa...