BJJ and Gymnastics

A couple months ago I started Brazilian Jiujitsu. It wasn't until about a week ago that things started to make sense and I was able to spar with the guys. In this blog, I'd like to share what I've learned in BJJ and how it's helped my gymnastics. 1. Falling In Jiujitsu, there's something called a 'break fall'. Basically, when you fall back, you should smack the ground with your hands instead of curling up in a ball. The idea is to spread out the shock of the fall throughout your body, so that your entire body absorbs the shock. When you curl up in a ball- a natural human instinct- only one area absorbs the shock of the fall, which increases the risk for injury. In gymnastics, the things I learned about falling was 1) don't try to stop your fall by putting your arms down and 2) avoid landing on your stomach at all costs. After learning about the break fall in Jiujitsu, I began trying it at gymnastics: if I fell back, I would smack both of my hands on the ...