Got my Grips!

On Christmas day last year I got my grips and I was looking forward to wearing them.  But then my coach would not let me wear them right away since I din't have my straight arm kip consistently.  Then when I had my kip, my coach was afraid my hands were too small for grips and I would ping off the bar while wearing them.  Finally the head coach of my gym said it was okay!  Being able to wear grips is the mark of a serious gymnast.  I've definitely worked very hard for them them!

Below is what my hands looked like before grips.  Before grips I had a lot of rips. There were bloody ones, regular ones, baby rips, and the bloody baby rips were the worst. Now that I have grips, my hands are protected better.  It doesn't mean I won't get a rip, it just means it will happen less often.

When I started using grips I had less rips and my coaches really liked them. They are the Ginnasta brand and they are super soft. They didn't take any time to break in.  My hands are pretty small, they are two sizes up from the smallest size which is 000.  With these grips I don't ping off the bar. Overall I really like them and when my hands get bigger I will deffenatly get Ginnasta grips again! 


  1. I love you grips and so proud that you had to earn them!!! Hopefully I'll get to watch you in person some day soon!

  2. Thanks for your comment :) I love you Uncle John


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