How to Heal AchillesTendinitis

I have had Achilles tendinitis many times over the past two years so I decided to write a post about what has worked for me in terms of treatment and pain relief. 1. Ice and Heat. My acupuncturist said ice it if you want to reduce the inflammation, and heat it if you want to increase blood flow. 2. Hot and Cold spray. If you don't have heat with you, bring a Hot and Cold spray like Icy Hot or Tiger Balm. It won't feel super cold or super hot, it will just give you a tingling sensation that feels good. It will increase blood flow which is good for the tendon. 3. KT Tape. See my post about KT Tape and how I tape my legs for AT. 4. Compression Sleeve. These are usually for long distance runners for during a race and recovery, but it also makes your Achilles feel better because it helps to increase blood flow to the tendon. They are also super fashionable:) 5. Ibuprofen. It is a anti-inflammatory and helps reduce pain. In the picture below there is a box of ...