Product Review, SmartFlexx Stretching Device

I purchased this product with my own money and all opinions are my own. In a previous posts I mentioned I had chronic Achilles Tendinitis. My new doctor said that I need to stretch my Achilles more and I remembered that my gym has one of these gadgets for stretching. I only get to use it before practising on floor, so I decided to buy one for home. It is really good for a deep stretch but I recommend stretching both calf muscles, otherwise one of your Achilles will be more stretched than the other. There are a couple of different companies that make foot rockers. I bought the one by SmartFlexx. This stretching device gave me a good stretch and relieved the pain in my Achilles, but my pain moved more to my heel. Now I am using my Ultrasound kit, which I talked about in a previous blog post . This stretching device can also be used to relieve pain that comes with plantar fasciitis.