I'm Back!

Hey everyone! It's been awhile. Almost five years to be exact. I feel as though I'm writing to an old friend that I haven't talked to in a long time. A lot of things have happened in those five years and I am excited to share my stories, knowledge, and experiences on this blog. But first, I would like to set a SMART goal for this blog and share it with everyone reading. Maybe it'll even inspire a few of you to set a SMART goal for something you want to accomplish this year. 

Allow me to explain what a SMART goal is: A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable (however, I believe all goals are attainable no matter how big or small), Relevant, and Time-Based. By writing a goal down in this way, you create a clear and trackable goal. This will be my second SMART goal I have made so far this year. Here we go...


I want to blog every week starting on February 8, 2021 and ending on January 1, 2022. I want to accomplish this goal because I believe I will inspire young athletes. I want to share my knowledge about gymnastics with others, and if my blog gets enough attention, I can make it into a source of income.


If I post every week, I will complete 47 blog posts. I will take account of every piece I publish each week to make sure I hit 47 blog posts by the start of the new year. 


This goal will be easily attainable if I am motivated each week to write and publish a blog post. I will make Sundays my blogging days and make sure to wake up early at 6am so that I have enough time to write and publish a post. I will also brainstorm ten ideas each month that make me excited to write. I will stay motivated on working towards this goal by only writing on what interests me. If I become unmotivated, I will brainstorm new ideas until I figure out what topic makes me want to write. 


Achieving this goal will help me achieve my long-term goal of becoming a leader, contributing, and owning a business (even though I don't make any money blogging right now). Blogging teaches me to be independent and make decisions by myself, which is an important skill to have in the near future. With this blog, I want to motivate and lead young athletes to becoming the best athlete they can be, and provide them with helpful resources that they can not only use in their athletic practices, but also in their everyday lives. 


This goal ends on January 1, 2022. 

Let's do this!

Anika (me) competing at the 2020 Pacific Classic meet, Level 9.


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